
COGNIMUSE database

A. Zlatintsi, P. Koutras, G. Evangelopoulos, N. Malandrakis, N. Efthymiou, K. Pastra, A. Potamianos, and P. Maragos, " COGNIMUSE: a multimodal video database annotated with saliency, events, semantics and emotion with application to summarization", EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, vol. 2017, p. 54, Jan. 2017.

Experienced emotions 1/2
  • Subj1_1:
  • Subj1_2:
  • Subj2_1:
  • Subj2_2:
  • Subj3_1:
  • Subj4_1:
Experienced emotions 2/2
  • Subj4_2:
  • Subj5_1:
  • Subj5_2:
  • Subj6_1:
  • Subj7_1:
  • Subj7_2:
Video current time: sec
Intended emotions
  • Intended_1:
  • Intended_2:
  • Intended_3:

In the figure above, the real-time Emotion of users/expert is exposed for each Movie as measured in the database.

The "experienced" emotion ratings are the ones labeled by users and represent their individual subjective experience. There are 7 different users and most of them have annotated each movie twice. The names follow the subject_iteration convention forming the following individual streams of emotion: subj1_1, subj1_2, subj2_1, subj2_2, subj3_1, subj4_1, subj4_2, subj5_1, subj5_2, subj6_1, subj7_1 and subj7_2. Each stream contains the Valence and Arousal measured continuously (every 40 msec - 1 video frame).

Furthermore, the "intended" emotion annotations are labeled by an expert and represent more of the director's intent. It was done 3 times creating the additional streams denoted as: intended_1, intended_2 and intended_3.

The total emotion streams (having duration approximately 30 minutes) of the users/expert for the selected Movie can be seen in the following interactive figures.